27/01/25 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban
children, when you reach your karmateet stage, you will go to the land of
Vishnu. Only the children who pass with honours become karmateet.
What effort
do both Fathers make on you children?
Both Bap and
Dada make the effort to make you children become worthy of heaven, completely
virtuous and 16 celestial degrees full. It is as though you have received a
double engine. He teaches you such a wonderful study that you claim your
sovereignty for 21 births.
Do not forget
the days of your childhood.
Om shanti.
You sweetest,
long-lost and now-found children heard the song. According to the drama plan,
such songs have been selected for you. People are wonderstruck that Baba speaks
a murli on these film songs. They say: "What type of knowledge is this? You have
put aside the scriptures, the Vedas and the Upanishads etc. and conduct a murli
on film songs." It is in the intellects of you children that you belong to the
unlimited Father from whom you receive supersensuous joy. Therefore, you must
not forget such a Father. It is only by having remembrance of the Father that
your sins of many births are burnt. It should not be that you stop remembering
Baba and your sins still remain; your status would also be reduced. You should
make effort to remember such a Father very well. Just as when there is an
engagement, they continue to remember one another, so you too are now engaged.
Then, when you reach your karmateet stage, you will go to the land of Vishnu.
There is now Shiv Baba and also Prajapita Brahma Baba. You have received two
engines: one is incorporeal and the other is corporeal. Both make effort to make
you children worthy of heaven. You have to become full of all virtues, 16
celestial degrees completely full. Here, you have to pass an examination. These
aspects are not mentioned in the scriptures. This is a very wonderful study for
your future 21 births. All other studies are for this land of death, whereas
this study is for that land of immortality. However, you have to study here for
that. You souls cannot go to the golden age until you become pure. This is why
the Father comes at the confluence age. This is called the most auspicious,
beneficial confluence age, when you become worth diamonds from shells.
Therefore, you must continue to follow shrimat. Only Shiv Baba is called Shri
Shri. The meaning of the rosary has also been explained to you children. At the
beginning is the tassel, Shiv Baba, and then there is the dual-bead because this
is a family path. Then there are the beads who gain victory; it is their rosary
of Rudra. It then becomes the rosary of Vishnu. No one knows the meaning of this
rosary. The Father sits here and explains: You children have to change from
shells into diamonds. You have been remembering the Father for 63 births. You
are all now lovers of the one Beloved; all of you are devotees of the one God.
He alone is the Husband of all husbands and the Father of all fathers. He makes
you children into the kings of kings; He does not become that Himself. The
Father repeatedly explains: It is only by having remembrance of the Father that
your sins of many births will be burnt away. Sages and holy men say that souls
are immune to the effect of action. The Father explains: It is souls who carry
good and bad sanskars. Those people say: Wherever I look, I only see God, all of
this is God’s wonderful game. They have become absolutely dirty on the path of
sin. Hundreds of thousands are following the dictates of such people. This is
also fixed in the drama. Constantly keep the three worlds in your intellects:
shantidham (the land of peace) where soul reside, sukhdham (the land of
happiness) for which you are now making effort and dukhdham (the land of sorrow)
which begins after half a cycle. God is called Heavenly God, the Father. He does
not establish hell. The Father says: I only establish that land of happiness.
This is a play about victory and defeat. You children are now gaining victory
over Maya, Ravan, by following shrimat. Then, after half a cycle, the kingdom of
Ravan begins again. You children are now on a battlefield. Your intellects have
to imbibe this and you then have to explain to others. You have to become sticks
for the blind and show them the path home because everyone has forgotten that
home. People say that this is a play but they also say that its duration is
hundreds of thousands of years. The Father explains: Ravan has made you so
blind! The Father is now explaining everything to you. The Father is called the
knowledge-full One. This does not mean that He knows everything that is going on
within everyone. Those who study occult powers are able to tell you what is
going on inside you. That is not the meaning of knowledge-full. This is the
praise of the Father. He is the Ocean of Knowledge, the Ocean of Bliss. People
say that He knows everything within everyone. You children now understand that
He is the Teacher and that He is teaching us. He is also the spiritual Father
and the spiritual Satguru. Others are bodily teachers and gurus. They are all
separate; the three of them cannot be the same. In some cases, someone’s father
would also be his teacher but he couldn’t be his guru as well. Even so, they are
all human beings. Here, the Supreme Spirit, the Supreme Father, the Supreme
Soul, is teaching you. A soul cannot be called the Supreme Soul. No one even
understands this. They say that the Supreme Soul granted Arjuna such a vision
that he said: Please stop! I can’t bear the brightness of this light. All of
those things that people have heard have made them believe that the Supreme Soul
is a bright light. Previously, some who came to Baba used to go into trance.
They would say: Stop this! It is too bright! I cannot tolerate it! It was the
devotional feeling from what they had heard previously and it still remained in
their intellects. The Father says: I fulfil whatever devotional feelings they
remember Me with. If they are worshippers of Ganesh, I grant them a vision of
Ganesh. When they have a vision, they believe that they have reached the land of
liberation, but no one can go to the land of liberation. There is the example of
Narad. He has been remembered as the highest devotee. He asked if he could marry
Lakshmi and was told to look at his face in a mirror. There is also the rosary
of devotees. Meera has been remembered amongst the females and Narad amongst the
males as the main devotees. Here, in this knowledge, Saraswati is the main one.
All are numberwise. The Father explains: You have to remain very cautious about
Maya. Maya makes you do such wrong things that you will have to cry and repent
at the end about how God came and yet you were not able to claim your
inheritance. You will become maids and servants of the subjects. Later, the
study will end and you will have to repent a great deal. Therefore, the Father
has been explaining to you from the beginning so that you don’t have to repent
at the end. The more you continue to remember the Father, to that extent your
sins will be burnt away with the fire of remembrance. You souls were satopradhan
and you then became tamopradhan as more and more alloy was mixed into you. There
are the names, golden, silver, copper and iron. You are now to go from the iron
age to the golden age. You souls cannot go there until you become pure. In the
golden age, there was purity and there was also peace and prosperity. Here,
there is no purity and so there is no peace or prosperity either. There is the
difference of day and night. Therefore, the Father says: Do not forget the days
of your childhood. The Father has adopted you. He has adopted you through
Brahma. This is an adoption. A wife is adopted, whereas children are created. A
wife is not called a creation. This Father also adopts you: You are the same
children of Mine whom I adopted a cycle ago too. It is the adopted children who
receive the inheritance from the Father. You receive the most elevated
inheritance from the highest-on-high Father. First is God and then Lakshmi and
Narayan, the masters of the golden age, are the second number. You are now
becoming the masters of the golden age. You have not yet become complete; you
are still becoming that. True spiritual service means to become pure and to make
others pure. You are now doing spiritual service and this is why you are very
elevated. Shiv Baba makes impure ones pure and you also make others pure. Ravan
made your intellects so degraded. The Father is now making you worthy of
becoming the masters of the new world. How can they say that such a Father is in
the pebbles and stones? The Father says: This play is predestined. The same will
happen in the next cycle. According to the drama plan, I have come to explain to
you. There cannot be the slightest change in this. The Father cannot delay
coming by even a second. Just as there is Baba’s reincarnation, so there is also
the reincarnation of you children. You have incarnated here. Souls come down
here to play their parts in corporeal forms. This is called incarnation. You
came down here from up above in order to play your parts. The Father’s birth is
divine and unique. The Father Himself says: I have to take the support of
matter. I enter this body. This body has been selected for Me. This is such a
wonderful play. Everyone’s part in this play is predestined and each one
continues to play it. You will play your parts of 21 births again in the same
way. You have received this clear knowledge, but you understand it numberwise
according to the efforts you make. Baba praises the maharathis. A war was
portrayed between the Pandavas and the Kauravas; all of those stories have been
made up. You now understand that they are physically, doubly violent, whereas
you are spiritually, doubly non-violent. Just look how simply you are sitting in
order to claim your kingdom. You know that your sins will be absolved by having
remembrance of the Father. This is the only concern you have. Your whole effort
is just in having remembrance. This is why the ancient yoga of Bharat has been
remembered. People abroad too want to learn the ancient yoga of Bharat. They
believe that sannyasis can teach them this yoga. In fact, they do not teach
anything. Their renunciation belongs to hatha yoga. You belong to a family path.
Your kingdom existed at the beginning; it is now the end. There is now
government of the people by the people. There is extreme darkness in the world.
You now know that there is going to be bloodshed without cause. They also show
such a play. However, here, it is a matter of the unlimited. There will be so
much bloodshed. There will also be natural calamities. Death will come for
everyone. This is called bloodshed without cause. You will need to have a great
deal of courage to be able to watch this. Those who are afraid quickly faint.
You have to remain fearless in this. You are Shiv Shaktis. Shiv Baba is the
Almighty Authority and we take shakti (power) from Him. Only the Father shows
you the way to become pure from impure. The Father gives you very simple advice:
Children, you were satopradhan and have now become tamopradhan. The Father now
says: Remember Me and you will become pure from impure and you will become
satopradhan. You souls have yoga with the Father so that your sins can be burnt
away. The Father is the Authority. They show Brahma in the picture emerging from
the navel of Vishnu. They say that he sat and explained all the secrets of the
Vedas and scriptures through him. You now know that Brahma becomes Vishnu and
that Vishnu then becomes Brahma. Establishment takes place through Brahma, but
he also has to sustain the creation that takes place. All of these aspects have
been explained to you very clearly. Those who understand this spiritual
knowledge are concerned about how it can be given to everyone else. If you have
wealth, why should you not open a centre? The Father says: Rent a building and
open a hospital-cum-university there. There is liberation through yoga and
liberation-in-life through this knowledge. You receive a double inheritance. You
simply need three square feet of land for this. You don’t need anything else to
open a Godfatherly University. Whether it’s called “Vishwa Vidhyalaya” or
university, it is the same thing. This is a huge university for becoming deities
from ordinary human beings. People ask you how you cover your expenses. The
Father of the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris has so many children and yet you ask
this. Just look what is written on the board. This knowledge is so wonderful!
The Father is also wonderful. How do you become the masters of the world? You
call Shiv Baba "Shri Shri" because He is the Highest on High. Lakshmi and
Narayan are called Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan. You have to imbibe all of
these aspects very well. The Father says: I teach you Raja Yoga. This is the
true story of immortality. The story of immortality would not have been told to
only one Parvati; many people go to Amarnath. You children come to the Father in
order to be refreshed. Then, when you are refreshed, you have to explain to
others, refresh them and open centres. The Father says: Simply take three square
feet of land and open a hospital-cum-university and many will benefit from that.
There is no expense in that. You receive health, wealth and happiness within a
second. You children take birth and become heirs. When you simply have faith,
you can become the masters of the world, but everything then depends on how much
effort you make. Achcha.
To you sweetest,
beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning
from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to you
spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. In order
to watch the scenes of bloodshed without cause at the end, you Shiv Shaktis have
to become very fearless. By having remembrance of the Almighty Authority you can
take power from Him.
2. Become pure and
do the true spiritual service of making others pure. Become doubly non-violent.
Become a stick for the blind and show everyone the way home.
May you be a
true renunciate and experience equality and perfection by finishing any
consciousness of “I” or “mine”.
At every second and
in every thought, remember “Baba, Baba.” Finish any consciousness of “I”. When
there is no “I”, there is then no “mine”. “My nature, my sanskars, my nature, my
work or duty, my name, my honour”: when all consciousness of “I” and “mine”
finish, there is then equality and perfection. The renunciation of “I” and
“mine” is the greatest and most subtle renunciation. Only when you sacrifice the
horse of this consciousness of “I” into the Ashwa Megh (horse) sacrificial fire
will the final sacrifice be offered, and the drums of victory will then beat.
To say “Ha ji”
(Yes indeed) and extend the hand of co-operation means to wear a garland of
With your powerful
mind, do the service of giving sakaash.
You will be able to
give sakaash with your mind when you practise being constantly stable in a stage
of stability. For this, first of all transform waste thoughts into pure
thoughts. Then, finish all the different type of obstacles that come from Maya
on the basis of Godly love. Increase your power of concentration by learning the
lesson of belonging to the one Father and none other.