28/01/25 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban
children, in order to pass with honours, constantly follow shrimat. Save
yourself from bad company and from the storms of Maya.
What service
does the Father do for you children, service that you also have to do?
Just as the
Father calls you His beloved children and serves you by making you into
diamonds, in the same way, you children also have to make your sweet brothers
into diamonds. There is no difficulty in this. Simply tell them: Remember the
Father and you will become like diamonds.
What order
has the Father given you children?
Children, earn this true income and inspire others to do the same. You are not
allowed to take a loan from anyone.
Take us far
away from this world of sin to a land of rest and comfort.
Om shanti.
The Father
says "Good morning" to you sweetest, spiritual children who are to go to a new
world. You spiritual children know, numberwise, according to your efforts that
you are to go far away from this world. Where are you going to? To your sweet
silence home. The land of silence, where we souls come from, is very far away.
That is an incorporeal world and this is a corporeal world. That is the home of
us souls. No one, except the Father, can take us back to that home. All of you
Brahmins are doing spiritual service. Who taught you this? The Father who takes
you far away. How many will He take far away? Countless souls. All of you
children are guides who belong to the one Guide. Your name is the Pandava Army.
You children show everyone the way to go far away: “Manmanabhav!” and “Remember
the Father!” You say: Baba, take us far away from this world. You will not say
this in the new world. Here, it is the kingdom of Ravan and so you say: Take us
very far away from here. There is no comfort here. The very name is the land of
sorrow. The Father does not make you stumble. You stumbled a great deal on the
path of devotion searching for the Father. The Father Himself says: I am
incognito. No one can see Me with physical eyes. In the temples to Krishna, they
keep his wooden slippers for you to bow your head to, but I don’t have any feet
to which you would have to bow. I simply call you "My beloved children". You
also say to others: Sweet brothers, remember the parlokik Father and your sins
will be absolved; that is all. There is no other difficulty. Just as the Father
makes you into diamonds, so you children also have to make others into diamonds.
You have to learn how to make human beings become like diamonds. According to
the drama, the Father comes and teaches us at the confluence of every cycle. We
then teach others. The Father is making us into diamonds. You know that the Aga
Khan, the guru of the Ismailis, was weighed against gold, silver and diamonds.
Nehru was weighed against gold. Now, they do not make anyone into a diamond. The
Father makes you become like diamonds. What would you weigh Him against? What
would you do with diamonds etc.? You don’t need them. Those people waste a lot
of money on races. They continue to build buildings and properties etc. whereas
you children are earning a true income. If you take a loan from anyone, you
would have to pay him back for 21 births. You have no right to take a loan from
anyone. You understand that all incomes at present are false and are to be
finished. When Baba saw that he was to receive diamonds, he thought: What am I
doing with these shells? Why should I not take my unlimited inheritance from the
Father? I will have enough to eat anyway. There is a saying: Those whose hands
are constantly giving attain the first number. Baba is also called the
Stockbroker. The Father says: I take your old things and exchange them for new.
When someone dies, all their belongings are given to a special type of brahmin
priest. The Father says: What do I take from you? Just look at this sample.
There was not only one Draupadi; all of you are Draupadis. Many call out: O
Baba, save us from being stripped! Baba explains with so much love: Children,
remain pure in this last birth of yours. The Father says: Children, maintain the
honour of My beard; do not defame the name of your clan. You sweetest children
should have so much pure pride that the Father is making you into diamonds. The
Father is making this one into a diamond too. You have to remember that One.
This Baba says: Your sins will not be absolved by remembering me. I am not your
guru. Whatever He teaches me, I then teach you. If you want to become like a
diamond, remember the Father. Baba has explained that, although many people
worship the deities on the path of devotion, their intellects still wander to
their work or business etc., because they earn an income through that. Baba
relates his experience: When my intellect used to wander here and there, I would
pinch myself and ask why I was remembering those things. You souls should only
remember the one Father, but Maya repeatedly makes you forget. She punches you
again and again. Maya breaks your intellects’ yoga. You should talk to
yourselves in this way. The Father says: You now have to benefit yourselves and
others by opening centres. Many children ask: Baba, can we open a centre at
such-and-such a place. The Father says: I am the Bestower. I do not need
anything for Myself. These buildings etc. are all for you children. Shiv Baba
has come to make you into diamonds. Whatever you do, it is only of use to you.
This one is not a guru who would have followers. The buildings that are built
are only for the children themselves to stay in. Yes, when those who build them
come here, they are offered the hospitality of staying in a new building. Some
say: Why should we stay in the new building? I like the old building. We will
live in the same way that you live. We have no arrogance about having given
this. If BapDada does not live there, why should we? We want to stay with You.
The closer we are to You, the better it is. The Father explains: To the extent
that you make effort, so you will claim a high status in the land of happiness.
Every one of you will go to heaven. The people of Bharat know that Bharat was a
land of pure, charitable souls. There was not even the name of sin there.
Everyone has now become a sinful soul. This is the kingdom of Ravan. Ravan does
not exist in the golden age. The kingdom of Ravan will exist again after a half
cycle. The Father explains so much and yet you are still not able to understand.
The same thing happens every cycle; this is nothing new. So many come when you
have exhibitions. Many of them will become subjects. It takes time to become
like diamonds. Even if they become subjects, that too is good. It is now the
time of settlement for all. Everyone’s accounts are being settled. The rosary of
eight is made of those who pass with honours. Only eight beads go into the first
rosary. They attain their karmateet stage without experiencing punishment. Then
there is the rosary of 108; they would be numberwise. This drama is eternally
predestined. You have to observe this as detached observers and see who is
making good efforts. Some children come at the end and continue to follow
shrimat. Continue to follow shrimat in this way, and it is possible that you
will pass with honours and go into the rosary of eight. Yes, it is possible
that, whilst you are moving along, there would sometimes be bad omens. Everyone
has to face the stages of ascending and descending. This is an income.
Sometimes, you remain very happy and at other times you remain less happy. The
storms of Maya and bad company move you backwards and make you lose your
happiness. It is said that good company takes you across and bad company drowns
you. Ravan’s company drowns you and Rama’s company takes you across. You became
like that by following Ravan’s dictates. Deities fell onto the path of sin.
People have shown such dirty pictures of them. Those are signs of their going
onto the path of sin. The kingdom of Rama existed in Bharat and it is now the
kingdom of Ravan in Bharat. You become 100% unhappy in the kingdom of Ravan.
This is a play. It is very easy to explain this knowledge to anyone. (A nurse
was sitting in front of Baba). Baba says to this child: You are a nurse;
continue to do that service and also do this service. Relate this knowledge to
your patients. Tell them: Remember the Father and your sins will be absolved and
you will not have any illnesses for 21 births. You receive health by doing yoga
and you receive wealth by knowing the cycle of 84 births. You can do a lot of
service and you will continue to benefit many. You can use whatever money you
earn for this spiritual service. In fact, all of you are also nurses. To make
dirty human beings into deities is a task like that of a nurse, is it not? The
Father says: Impure human beings call out to Me to come and purify them. If you
also serve diseased people, they will thank you a great deal. They can even
receive visions through you. If you remain accurately linked in yoga, even great
surgeons etc. might come and fall at your feet. Just try it and see. You clouds
come here in order to be refreshed. Then you go and shower this knowledge on to
others and refresh them. Some children don’t even know where rain comes from.
They think that it is Indra (God of Rain) who showers rain. They say that a
rainbow is the bow of Indra. So many false stories have been written in the
scriptures. The Father says: Whatever is fixed in the drama will happen again.
We do not defame anyone. This drama is eternally predestined. It is understood
that the path of devotion belongs to it. It is said, “knowledge, devotion and
disinterest.” You children have disinterest in this old world. When you die, the
whole world is dead for you. When a soul leaves his body, the world is dead for
him. The Father explains to you children: Sweet children, do not be careless in
this study. Everything depends on how you study. Some barristers earn one
hundred thousand rupees, whereas others don’t even have a coat to wear.
Everything depends on how you study. This study is very easy. Become spinners of
the discus of self-realisation, that is, know the beginning, the middle and the
end of your 84 births. Just as that tree has now reached its state of total
decay; there is no foundation and yet the rest of the tree is still standing, in
the same way, the original eternal deity religion that existed in the form of
the tree trunk, no longer exists. Everyone is now irreligious and unrighteous in
their actions. Human beings cannot grant salvation to anyone. The Father sits
here and explains all of these aspects to you and makes you happy for all time.
There will never be untimely death there. The words “So-and-so died” will not
exist there. Therefore, the Father advises you that if you show the path to many
they will surrender themselves to you. It is possible for some to have a vision.
Those visions are just of the aim and objective for which you are studying. You
cannot become a barrister without studying. It is not that you attain liberation
by having a vision. Meera had a vision, but she didn’t go to the land of
Krishna. Devotees receive a vision after doing intense devotion, whereas here,
there is intense remembrance. Sannyasis become knowledgeable about the element
of light and the five elements. They simply want to merge into the element of
light. However, the element of light is not the Supreme Soul. The Father
explains: You may continue to do your business for the livelihood of your bodies
but you must now consider yourselves to be trustees and you will then claim a
high status. All of your attachments will be broken. What would Baba do by
taking anything? This one renounced everything. He has no need to build a house
or a palace for himself. These buildings are being built because many children
are yet to come. There will be a queue from Abu Road to here. If your influence
were to spread now, you would have a headache trying to handle them all. When an
eminent person comes, a huge crowd gathers. Your impact will spread at the end,
not now. You have to practise staying in remembrance of the Father so that your
sins can be cut away. You have to shed your bodies whilst in such remembrance.
In the golden age, when you leave your body, you understand that you are leaving
a body and taking a new one. Here, there is so much body consciousness. There is
such a difference. You have to note down all of these points and also make
others note them down. You also have to make others into diamonds like
yourselves. You will attain a high status according to the efforts you make. It
is the Father who explains this, not a holy man or a mahatma. This knowledge is
very entertaining and you have to imbibe it very well. It is not that you listen
to the Father and then leave behind whatever you heard. You also heard in the
song: Take us back with You. Previously, you did not understand any of these
things. Now that the Father has explained to you, you understand them. Achcha.
To you sweetest,
beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning
from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to you
spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. Never
become careless about studying. Become a spinner of the discus of
self-realisation. Do the service of making others become like diamonds.
2. Earn this true
income and inspire others to do the same. Exchange all of your old things. You
have to remain cautious of bad company.
May you
become images that grant visions as lights of the world who take devotees beyond
with a glance.
The whole world is
waiting to take drishti from the eyes of you, who are becoming the lights of the
world. When you lights of the world reach your complete and perfect stage, that
is, when you open your eyes of perfection, world transformation will then take
place in a second. You souls, who are becoming images that grant visions, will
then be able to take devotees beyond with a glance. There will be a long queue
of those who want to be taken beyond with a glance. Therefore, let your eyes of
perfection remain open. Stop rubbing your eyes, stop choking and nodding off in
your thoughts and you will then be able to become the images that grant visions.
A pure and
clean nature is a sign of humility. Become pure and clean and you will receive
With your powerful
mind, do the service of giving sakaash.
In order to
concentrate your mind and intellect, constantly keep the mantra of “Manmanabhav”
in your awareness. By imbibing the mantra of “Manmanabhav” practically, you can
claim a first number. To have concentration of the mind means to stay in the
remembrance of One, to be concentrated in solitude. When you become introverted
and free from the vibrations of all attractions, you will then be able to do the
service of giving sakaash to the whole world with your mind.