30/01/25 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban
children, there is no essence in this old world. This is why you mustn’t let
your heart remain attached to it. If you forget to have remembrance of the
Father, you will experience punishment.
Why do you
disobey one of the Father's main directions? What is that direction?
The Father's
direction is: Never accept personal service from anyone, because you yourselves
are servants. However, because of body consciousness, some of you disobey this
direction that the Father gives. Baba says: If you accept that happiness here,
your happiness there will be reduced. Many of you children say that you want to
be independent but, in fact, all of you depend on the Father.
Let the
support of my heart not break.
Om shanti.
God Shiva
speaks to His saligrams. All human beings know about Shiva and the saligrams;
both are incorporeal. You no longer say that God Shri Krishna speaks. There is
only the one God, and so, to whom does God Shiva speak? To you spiritual
children. Baba has explained that you children must now only have a connection
with that Father. Because only Shiv Baba is the Purifier, the Ocean of
Knowledge, and the One who gives you your inheritance of heaven, He is the One
you have to remember. Brahma is His most fortunate chariot. He gives you the
inheritance through this chariot. It isn’t Brahma who gives you your
inheritance; he too receives an inheritance. Therefore, each of you children has
to consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father. For example, if there
is any difficulty with the chariot or, for one reason or another, you don’t
receive a murli, the attention of you children goes to Shiv Baba. He is never
ill. You children have been given a lot of this knowledge which you can explain
to others. Some children explain such a great deal at exhibitions. You children
have all of this knowledge. The knowledge shown in these pictures is in the
intellect of each one of you. Nothing should stop you children. If there is no
post or there is a strike, what would you do then? You children have this
knowledge anyway. You have to explain that the golden age did exist and that it
is now the iron age, the old world. In the song too, you sing that there is
nothing of essence in this old world. You must not let your hearts remain
attached to it. Otherwise, you will experience punishment. By having remembrance
of the Father you can reduce your punishment. Let it not be that your
remembrance of the Father is broken, so that you have to experience punishment
and you return to the old world. There are many like that who have left. They do
not even remember the Father. Their hearts are still attached to the old world.
This present world is very bad. If you get attached to anyone, you will
experience a great deal of punishment. You children must listen to this
knowledge. You mustn’t listen to the songs of the path of devotion. You are now
at the confluence age. It is at this confluence age that you receive this
knowledge from the Father, the Ocean of Knowledge. No one else in the world
knows that only that One is the Ocean of Knowledge. When He gives this knowledge
to human beings they receive salvation. Only that One is the Bestower of
Salvation, and so you have to follow His directions. Maya doesn’t leave anyone
alone. It is because you become body conscious that you make one mistake or
another. Some of you are semi-influenced by lust and some are influenced by
anger. There are many storms in the mind. Because you fall in love with someone,
you want to do this or that. You mustn’t let your heart become attached to
anyone's body. The Father says: Consider yourselves to be souls and all
consciousness of your bodies will then finish. Otherwise, you would be
disobeying the Father's directions. There is a huge loss when you become body
conscious. Therefore, forget everything, including your own bodies. Simply
remember the Father and the home. The Father explains to you souls: Whilst
acting through your bodies, remember Me so that your sins will be burnt away.
This path is very simple. Baba also knows that you continue to make mistakes.
However, it shouldn't be that you continue to be trapped by your mistakes. If
you make a mistake, you mustn’t repeat it. Pull your own ears and tell yourself:
I won’t make this mistake again. You must make effort. If you repeatedly make
mistakes, you should understand that you are going to incur a great loss for
yourself. It was because of your mistakes that you reached a state of
degradation. What have you now become after coming down such a high ladder?
Previously, you didn’t have this knowledge. All of you have now become wise with
this knowledge, numberwise, according to the efforts you have made. Remain
introverted as much as possible. Keep your mouths closed. Those who are wise
with this knowledge would never attach their hearts to the old world. Their
intellects would know that they want to bring about destruction of Ravan’s
kingdom. This body is old and it belongs to Ravan’s community. Why should we
remember Ravan’s community? We should only remember the one Rama (God). We have
to become the ones who remain truly faithful to the Father. The Father says:
Continue to remember Me and all your sins will be absolved. You have to remain
faithful to the Father. This means being faithful to God. Devotees only remember
God and pray: God, come and give us our inheritance of peace and happiness. On
the path of devotion, devotees sacrifice themselves. Here, there is no question
of sacrificing yourself. We die a living death, that is, we sacrifice ourselves
to God. We have to belong to the Father for as long as we live, because we have
to claim the inheritance from Him. We have to follow His directions. To
sacrifice oneself whilst alive refers, in fact, to this time. On the path of
devotion, they commit suicide, etc. Here, there is no question of committing
suicide. The Father says: Consider yourselves to be souls and have yoga with the
Father. Do not become body conscious. Whether you are sitting or walking, you
must make effort to remember the Father. No one has yet passed with one hundred
per cent; you all continue to fluctuate. If you are not cautioned about the
mistakes you make, how are you going to stop making those mistakes? Maya doesn’t
leave anyone alone. Many says: Baba, we have been defeated by Maya. We were
making effort, but we don’t know what happened. We don’t know how we made such a
serious mistake. They understand that, because of that mistake, their names will
be defamed in the Brahmin clan. They are so strongly attacked by Maya that they
aren’t even able to understand it. When they become body conscious, it is as
though they also become senseless. When there is senselessness, there is also
defamation. Their inheritance is then reduced. There are many who make such
mistakes. Maya slaps them so hard that they are defeated. Then, in their anger,
they slap others or hit them with their shoe. Then they repent. Baba says: You
now have to make a lot of effort. You have caused harm to yourselves and to
others too. You have lost so much. There are the omens of an eclipse of Rahu on
you. The Father says: If you now donate your vices, you can be rid of those bad
omens. Once there are the omens of Rahu on you, it does take time. Once you have
climbed the ladder it is difficult to come down. When people have the habit of
drinking alcohol, they find it very difficult to give it up. The biggest mistake
some of you make is to dirty your face. You then continue to remember the
bodies. Then, when you have children, you keep remembering them. What knowledge
would you then be able to give to others? No one would listen to you. We are now
making effort to remember the One alone and forget everyone else. You need to be
very cautious about this. Maya is very powerful. Throughout the day, let your
only concern be about remembering Shiv Baba. The play is now coming to an end
and we will have to return home. Our bodies are going to be destroyed. To the
extent that you remember the Father, accordingly you won’t remember anyone else
and your body consciousness will be broken. This destination is very high. None
of you must allow your heart to become attached to anyone but the one Father.
Otherwise, that person will keep appearing in front of you. That one would
definitely take revenge on you. Our destination is very high. It is easy to
speak about this. Out of hundreds of thousands, only a very few become the beads
of the rosary. Some win a scholarship. Those who make effort well will
definitely win a scholarship. Become detached observers and see how much service
you do. Many of you children want to be released from having to work and to
become engaged in doing this spiritual service, but Baba looks at each one’s
circumstances. If you are alone and you have no relatives, that’s all right.
Nevertheless, He says: Continue with your other business as well as this
service. In your business you have to meet many people whom you can serve. You
children have received a great deal of this knowledge. The Father inspires a lot
of service to be carried out through you children. He even enters some children
and does service. He has to do service. How can those who have a responsibility
sleep? Shiv Baba is the constantly lit Lamp. The Father says: I do service day
and night. If the body gets tired what can the soul do? The body can’t do enough
work. The Father is tireless. He is the lit Lamp who awakens everyone in the
world. His part is wonderful. Only a few of you children know Him. The Father is
the Death of all Deaths. If you don’t obey Him, you will experience punishment
from Dharamraj. One of the Father’s principal directions is: Do not accept
personal service from anyone. However, because you become body conscious, you
disobey the Father’s directions. Baba says: You yourselves are servants. If you
accept that happiness here, your happiness there would be reduced. If you form
that habit, you would not be able to do without servants. Many say: I want to
remain independent, but the Father says: It is good to remain dependent. All of
you have to depend on the Father. It is by trying to be independent that you
fall. All of you depend on Shiv Baba. The whole world depends on Him, and this
is why they call out: O Purifier, come! You receive peace and happiness from Him
but people don’t understand this. You have to pass along the path of devotion.
The Father comes when the night is ending. There cannot be the difference of
even a second in when He comes. The Father says: I know this drama. No one else
knows the beginning, the middle or the end of this drama. In the golden age,
this knowledge will have disappeared. You now know the Creator and the
beginning, middle and end of creation; this is called knowledge. Everything else
is devotion. The Father is said to be knowledge-full. He is now giving us this
knowledge. You children should have very good intoxication. However, you do also
understand that a kingdom is being established. Some just become ordinary
subjects or maids and servants. They don’t understand even a little of this
knowledge. It is a wonder. This knowledge is very easy to understand. The cycle
of our 84 births is now coming to an end. You will soon have to return to your
home. We are the principal actors in this drama and so we know the whole drama.
We play the hero and heroine parts throughout the whole drama. This is so easy,
but if it’s not in your fortune, what effort would you make? This continues to
happen in this study. Some of you still fail. This is such a large school. A
kingdom has to be established. To the extent that each one of you children
studies, each of you can understand for yourself what status you will claim.
There are so many of you. Not all of you can become heirs. It is very difficult
to become pure. The Father makes you understand everything so easily. This play
is now coming to an end. You have to become completely pure by having
remembrance of the Father and you will then become the masters of the completely
pure new world. Stay in remembrance for as long as possible. If this isn’t in
your fortune, then, instead of remembering the Father, you remember others. By
attaching your heart to someone else, you will have to cry a great deal. The
Father says: Do not allow your hearts to remain attached to this old world. This
world has to be destroyed. No one else knows this. They think that the iron age
has to continue for a lot longer. They are in a deep sleep. The service you do
at exhibitions is a fast way to create subjects. Some kings and queens will also
emerge. There are many who are very keen to do service. Some are rich and some
are poor. You have to make others similar to yourselves. You will also receive
benefit from that. You have to become sticks for the blind. Simply tell them to
remember the Father and the inheritance. Destruction is standing ahead of you.
Only when they see that the time of destruction is very close will they listen
to what you tell them. Your service will increase and they will think: This is
right. You continue to tell others that destruction has to take place. The
service you do at exhibitions and fairs will also increase. You have to make
effort to find a good hall. Tell them that you are prepared to pay rent for it.
Tell them: Your name will be glorified even more. There are many people who have
such halls. By making effort, you can receive three square feet of land. Until
then, continue to hold small exhibitions. When you celebrate Shiv Jayanti, the
sound will spread. Write: The day of Shiv Jayanti should be a public holiday. In
fact, only that One’s birthday should be celebrated. He is the Purifier. The
true stamp is that of the Trimurti. It says: Victory through Truth. This is the
time of your gaining victory. You need someone good who can explain these things
to others. The main ones at the centres need to pay attention to everyone. You
can create your own stamp: This is Trimurti Shiv Jayanti. People will not
understand anything if you simply say "Shiv Jayanti". It is you children who
have to do all the work. When you benefit many, you will also receive such a
lift. You will receive a great lift from the service you do. There can be a lot
of service accomplished at exhibitions. Subjects do have to be created. Baba
continues to see which children pay attention to doing service. They are the
ones who climb on to Baba's heart throne. Achcha.
To you sweetest,
beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning
from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to you
spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. If you
make a mistake, pull your own ears there and then, so that you don’t make the
same mistake again. Never become body conscious. Become an expert in this
knowledge and remain introverted.
2. Remain truly
faithful to the one Father. Sacrifice yourself to Him for as long as you live.
Don’t allow your heart to become attached to anyone else. Don’t do anything
May you be an
embodiment of love and bid farewell to being separated for all time.
Love is to love
something that the one you love also loves. Let your way of walking, eating,
drinking and living be that which is loved by the One you love. For this,
whatever thoughts you have or actions you perform, first of all, consider
whether they are loved by the Father whom you love. Become truly loving and you
will become a constant and easy yogi. If you transform your loving form into the
form of being equal, you will then receive the blessing of being immortal and
you will bid farewell to being separated for all time.
Let your
nature be easy and your efforts filled with attention.
With your powerful
mind, do the service of giving sakaash.
Just as a whole tree
is merged in a seed, in the same way, let the expansion of your whole tree be
merged in your seed of thoughts, for only then will your upheaval of thoughts
finish. Nowadays, all forms of upheaval are increasing in the world – upheaval
in politics, upheaval in the value of things, upheaval in currency, upheaval in
the suffering of karma and upheaval in religions. In order to save yourself and
everyone from that upheaval, practise concentrating your mind and intellect, and
also continue to do the service of giving sakaash.