02/01/25    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, the Father's part is accurate. He comes at His own time; there cannot be the slightest difference in the time He comes. Celebrate the memorial of His coming, Shiv Ratri, with a great deal of splendour.

Which children's sins are not completely absolved?

Those whose yoga is not accurate. If you are not able to remember the Father, your sins cannot be absolved. If you are not accurately linked in yoga, you cannot have total salvation. Some sins would still remain and so your status would be reduced. If you have no yoga, you would become trapped in someone's name and form and continue to remember that one and remain unable to become soul conscious.

Who has come today in the early morning hours?

Essence for dharna:
1. Open a shop of the imperishable jewels of this knowledge on Shiv Jayanti and do service. Enlighten every home and give everyone the Father's introduction.

2. You must be honest with the true Father. Don’t hide from the Father any of the sins you have committed. Become so absorbed in yoga that no sins remain. Do not become trapped in anyone's name and form.

May you be an elevated renunciate, like Father Brahma, and finish any consciousness of “I”.

Renunciation of relationships and of material comforts is not a big thing. However, to have the feeling of keeping others ahead of you in every task and in every thought of yours, that is, to finish any consciousness of “I”, to say “You first”, is elevated renunciation. This is known as finishing any consciousness of oneself. Father Brahma always kept the children in front of him. He was constantly a renunciate of, “I should be in the front”. Because of this renunciation, he received the fruit of being ahead of all, that is, of becoming number one. So, follow the father.

To find fault with someone instantly is also to cause him or her sorrow.

With your powerful mind, do the service of giving sakaash.

Just as you give sakaash from a high tower and spread light and might, in the same way, you children also have to sit in your high stage, or sit in a high place, and give the world light and might for at least four hours. Just as the sun can only give light to the world when it is high, similarly, in order to give sakaash to the corporeal world, be a resident of a high place.