07/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you are one another’s spiritual brothers. You should have a lot of love for one another. Become the Ganges who overflow with love. Never fight or quarrel.

Which children does the spiritual Father love a great deal?

1) He loves the children who benefit the world by following shrimat. 2) Those who have become flowers and never prick others with thorns. Those who live with others with a lot of love and never sulk are the children who are loved by the Father. Those who become body conscious and fight among themselves and become like salt water lose the Father's honour. They become ones who defame the Father.

Essence for dharna:
1. Become an overflowing Ganges of love. Let there be the vision of love for everyone. Never use wrong words.

2. Do not have greed for anything. Be a spinner of the discus of self-realisation. Practise so that you do not remember anything at the end.

May you be a Raja Rishi who easily and constantly stays distant from all the attractions of old bodies and the old world.

A Raja Rishi means one who, on the one hand, has the intoxication of a right to all attainments and, on the other hand, has spiritual intoxication of having unlimited disinterest. At the present time, you have to continue to increase the practice of both these things. Disinterest does not mean to move away, but, while having all attainments, do not let any limited attractions attract your mind or intellect. Let there not be the slightest dependency even in your thoughts. This is known as being a Raja Rishi, that is, one who has unlimited disinterest. It means being one who is constantly and easily distant away from all the attractions of old bodies, the physical old world, gross feelings and desires for material comforts.

Use the facilities of science, but do not let them become the support of your life.

Sweet elevated versions of Mateshwariji.

The Mahabharata is being repeated practically at this time of the confluence age.

Look, they say that a battle took place between the Kauravas and Pandavas in Kurukshetra and then they show that the companion of the Pandavas was Shri Krishna who gave them directions. So, the side that has the Lord of Matter with them will definitely win. Look how they have confused everything. First of all, you have to understand that the Lord of Matter is the Supreme Soul whereas Shri Krishna is the first deity of the golden age. So, the Co-charioteer of the Pandavas is God. God cannot teach us children violence nor would the Pandavas engage in a violent battle and claim self-sovereignty. This world is the field of action in which whatever type of seeds people sow through their actions, they accordingly receive good or bad fruit. On this field of action, Pandavas and the mothers of Bharat, the incarnations of Shakti, are present. God comes in the land of Bharat and this is why Bharat is said to be an imperishable land. God has specially incarnated in the land of Bharat because the expansion of irreligiousness came from the land of Bharat. It was here that God destroyed the kingdom of the Kauravas with yoga power and established the kingdom of the Pandavas. So, God came and established the kingdom of righteousness, but the people of Bharat have forgotten their great pure religion and elevated actions and have called themselves Hindus. Because of not knowing their own religion, the poor things have been converted into other religions. This is unlimited knowledge which the unlimited Master, Himself, tells us. They have forgotten their original religion and become trapped in limited things. This is said to be extreme defamation of religion because all of those religions are of matter. However, there first has to be original religion of the oneself. So, the original religion of oneself, of each one is: I, a soul, am a being of peace; then the religion of matter (of bodies) is the deity religion. The 33 crore (330 million) residents of Bharat are deities. This is why God says: Renounce all the innumerable bodily religions, renounce all other religions. There has been so much revolution because of those limited religions. So, now, move away from limited religions and go into the unlimited. You have to have yoga with that unlimited Father, the Almighty Authority, God, and this is why the Almighty Authority, the Lord of Matter, is the Supreme Soul and not Shri Krishna. So, a cycle ago, too, the victory of the side that personally had the Lord of Matter, God, with them is remembered. Achcha.