09.06.24       Morning Murli        Om Shanti   15.02.20   BapDada       Madhuban

Keep your mind clean, your intellect clear and experience the double-light angelic stage.

May you be one who has unlimited disinterest and who uses all the facilities while being uninfluenced and detached.

To be one with unlimited disinterest means not to be attached to anything and to be constantly loving to the Father. This loving nature makes you detached. If you are not loving to the Father, you cannot be detached and would have some attachment. Those who are loving to the Father remain beyond all attractions, that is, they remain detached. This is said to be the stage of being immune and not one who is going to be influenced by any limited attraction. Those who use some creation or facility while being immune to them are Raj Rishis who have unlimited disinterest.

When there is cleanliness and honesty in your heart, the Lord is pleased.