10/07/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you now have to become satopradhan and return home. Therefore, practise considering yourselves to be souls and constantly remember the Father. Always be concerned about your progress.

What is a sign of your making progress day by day or whether you are moving backwards in how you study?

If you are making progress in your studies, you experience lightness. It will remain in your intellect that that is a dirty body and that you now have to shed it, that you now have to return home. You will continue to imbibe divine virtues. If you are moving backwards, devilish traits would be visible in your activity. You wouldn't have remembrance of the Father whilst you are walking and moving around. Such souls will not be able to become flowers or give happiness to everyone. Such children will later on have visions and also experience a lot of punishment.

Essence for dharna:
1. Whilst walking and moving around, keep your intellect thinking about this study. Whilst performing any task, let this knowledge constantly trickle into your intellect. This is the best study through which you have to become double crowned.

2. Practise: We souls are brothers. By becoming body conscious, you perform wrong actions. Therefore, remain soul conscious as much as possible.

May you be a great and powerful soul with the power of truth who constantly dances in happiness.

It is said: Where there is truth, the soul dances. Those who are truthful, that is, those who have the power of truth will constantly dance, they will never wilt, become confused, be afraid or feel weak. They will constantly dance in happiness. They will be powerful. They will have the power to face everything. Truth never fluctuates, it is unshakeable. The boat of truth may rock but it will never sink. So, you souls who imbibe the power of truth are great souls.

To stop a busy mind and intellect in a second is a most elevated practice.