12/07/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you have to belong to the Lord and Master and then become princes and princesses. Therefore, burn your sins away with the pilgrimage of remembrance.

By using which method is all your sorrow removed?

When you look in the eyes of the Father and your eyes meet His, all your sorrow is removed because, by remembering the Father while considering yourselves to be souls, all your sins are cut away. This is your pilgrimage of remembrance. You renounce all bodily religions and remember the Father. By doing this, you souls become satopradhan and you then become the masters of the land of happiness.

Essence for dharna:
1. Keep in your intellect the deep philosophy of action, neutral action and sinful action that the Father has explained and do not have any exchange with sinful souls.

2. Follow shrimat and connect your intellect in yoga to the one Father. Make effort to become satopradhan. In order to make this land of sorrow into a land of happiness, make effort to become pure from impure. You have to change your criminal vision.

May you become knowledge-full and sacrifice all your wasteful questions into this sacrificial fire and thereby be free from obstacles.

When any obstacle comes, you go into many questions of “Why?” and “What?” To be full of questions means to be distressed. Become knowledge-full and sacrifice all your wasteful questions into this sacrificial fire and your time as well as the time of others will be saved. By doing this you will easily become free from obstacles. Faith and victory are your birthright: maintain this pride and you will never become distressed.

To maintain constant enthusiasm and give others that enthusiasm is your occupation.