14/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, constantly remember that our Baba is the Father, the Teacher and also the Satguru. To remember this means to be “Manmanabhav”.

What is the first mistake you make when the dust of Maya gets in your eyes?

The first mistake that Maya has you make is that you stop studying. You forget that God is teaching you. It is a wonder that the Father’s own children stop studying the Father’s teachings. This knowledge is such that you should constantly be dancing with internal happiness. However, the influence of Maya is no less; she makes you stop studying. To stop studying means to be absent.

Essence for dharna:
1. Remove any attachment from everything you see with your eyes. Only look at the one Father. In order to purify your attitude, don’t let your attention be drawn even slightly to dirty bodies.

2. Study well and also teach this unique and true knowledge that the Father teaches you. Never miss this study.

May you be a soul who experiments with the power of peace and easily achieves success in every task.

Now, according to the changing times, you should become a soul who experiments by using the means of the power of peace. Just as you create feelings of co-operation in souls with words of love, in the same way, stabilise yourself in the stage of having good wishes and feelings of love and create elevated feelings in them. Just as a lamp can ignite another lamp, in the same way, your powerful good wishes will create the most elevated feelings in others. With this power, you can very easily achieve success in your physical tasks. Simply experiment and see for yourself.

In order to be loved by all, become a rose in bloom, do not wilt.