14/11/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, see but do not see the things that you see with your physical eyes. Remove your attachment from everything, because it is all about to catch fire.

What incognito task of God’s Government does no one in the world know about?

God’s Government purifies souls and makes them into deities. This is a very incognito task that human beings cannot understand. Only when human beings become deities do they change from residents of hell into residents of heaven. The vices have completely ruined the characters of humans. You are now doing the service of making everyone's character elevated. This is your main task.

Essence for dharna:
1. In order to be saved from being deceived by Maya, do not have any kind of desire. Be totally ignorant of desire.

2. In order for you to win the prize of the sovereignty of the world, purity is the main thing. Therefore, you need to have the courage to remain pure. You have to reform your character.

May you become victorious and conquer Maya by constantly staying under your canopy of protection of remembrance and within the line of the codes of conduct.

Having remembrance of the Father is your canopy of protection, and to stay under your canopy means to become victorious and a conqueror of Maya. Remain constantly under your canopy of protection of remembrance and within the line of the codes of conduct and no one would then have the courage to come under it. When you go outside the line of the codes of conduct, Maya then becomes clever in making you belong to her. However, you have been victorious countless times for the rosary of victory is your memorial. Remain constantly powerful with this awareness and you will not be defeated by Maya.

Merge all the treasures into yourself and you will continue to experience fullness.