17/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, only by having remembrance and by studying will you receive a double crown. Therefore, imbibe divine virtues while keeping your aim and objective in front of you.

How does the Father, the Creator of the World, serve you children?

1) His service is to give you children the unlimited inheritance and make you happy. No one can do altruistic service like the Father does. 2) The unlimited Father rents a throne and makes you into the masters who are seated on the throne of the world. He Himself doesn't sit on the peacock throne, but He seats you children on the peacock throne. People build non-living temples to the Father. What taste would He get from that? It is you children who receive your fortune of the kingdom of heaven who experience that pleasure.

Essence for dharna:
1. Remove your intellect’s yoga from this land of sorrow and remember the Father who establishes the new world. Become satopradhan.

2. Become an ocean of love and an ocean of peace and happiness, like the Father. Understand the philosophy of action, neutral action and sinful action and constantly perform elevated actions.

May you eternally have the fortune of happiness and constant zeal and enthusiasm by singing songs of happiness in your mind.

You fortunate children claim imperishable success by using eternal methods. Your minds constantly sing songs of “Wah! Wah! Wah Baba! Wah fortune! Wah the sweet family! Wah, the most elevated beautiful time of the confluence age!” Every act is “Wah! Wah!” (wonderful) and this is why you have the eternal fortune of happiness. You can never have “Why?” or “I” in your minds. Instead of “Why?” you say “Wah! Wah!” and instead of “I”, you say, “Baba, Baba”.

Put your imperishable government stamp on the thoughts you have and they will remain firm.

Sweet elevated versions of Mateshwari.

The wonderful time of having the hopes of your life fulfilled.

All of us souls have had the hope for a long time of having constant happiness and peace in our lives, and so, the hopes that we have had for a long time shall of course be fulfilled at some point. This is now our final birth and it is now the end of this final birth. No one should think: I am still young: Young or old: everyone needs happiness, but we should first of all have the knowledge of what it is that causes sorrow. You have now received the knowledge that by having remembrance of God you can burn away the bondage of karma that has been created because of your being trapped in the five vices. This is an easy way of being liberated from the bondage of karma. Remember the Almighty Authority, Baba, in every breath while walking and moving around. It is God, Himself, who comes and helps us by showing us this method, but each soul has to make the effort for himself. God comes in the form of the Father, Teacher and Guru and gives us the inheritance. So, we first have to belong to that Father, and we then have to study with the Teacher, through which our future reward of happiness will be created for birth after birth. This means that we shall receive a status for liberation-in-life according to the efforts we make. In the form of the Guru, He makes us pure and grants us liberation, and so we have to understand this secret and make such effort. This is the time to finish the old accounts and create a new life. At this time, according to the efforts we make to purify our souls, a pure record will accordingly be recorded which will then continue for the whole cycle. So, everything of the whole cycle depends on the income earned at this time. Look, it is only at this time that you receive the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end: we have to become deities and this is our ascending stage and we shall then go there and experience our reward. There, the deities are not aware of what will happen afterwards, that they will descend. If they knew that they are to experience happiness and would then fall down, then, by worrying about their falling, they would not even enjoy their happiness. So, the Godly law has been created, which is that people constantly try to ascend, that is, they are always earning for their happiness. However, the part in the drama, is of half and half and we know this secret. However, when it is the time for happiness, we then have to make effort in order to claim that happiness. This is the speciality of effort. The duty of actors is to play their parts with great speciality at the time of acting so that those who come to see them praise them. This is why the deities have received the parts of heros and heroines and their memorial is remembered and worshipped. To stay in a viceless household and have a stage like a lotus is the speciality of deities. It is because of forgetting this speciality that Bharat has reached this unfortunate state. Now, God, Himself, has come to make us create such a life like that once again. By catching hold of His hand, your boat of life will go across.