19/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, the main service is to stay in remembrance of the Father and to remind others of Him. You can give anyone the Father's introduction and benefit them.

Which small habit makes you very disobedient in a big way? What is the way to become saved from that habit?

If someone has the habit of stealing something and concealing it, that is very big disobedience. It is said: Those who steal a straw can even steal a hundred thousand. If someone, due to greed or hunger, takes something and eats it without first asking permission, it is a very bad habit of stealing. In order to become free from that habit, become a trustee, like Father Brahma. If you have such a habit, tell the Father about it honestly.

Essence for dharna:
1. Together with physical service, you also have to do subtle service and the main service, which is to give everyone the Father's introduction. Bring benefit to souls. Stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. This is real service. Remain busy in this service. Do not waste your time.

2. Become sensible and gain victory over the evil spirits of the five vices. Remove the habits of stealing and telling lies. Do not take back anything you have donated.

May you have pure and positive thoughts for yourself and have thoughts of knowledge and pure and positive thoughts for others by remaining free from any thoughts of physical illness.

It is one thing to have an illness of the body and another to be shaken by that illness. The illness was destined to come, but for your elevated stage to be shaken is a sign of your being bound by that bondage. Those who remain free from having thoughts of a physical illness and have pure and positive thoughts for themselves and thoughts of knowledge are those who have pure and positive thoughts for others. By thinking too much about nature, you take on a form of worrying. To be free from this bondage is called the karmateet stage.

The power of love makes a problem as big as a mountain become as light as water.