22/02/25    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, only listen to the things that the Father tells you. Don’t speak and listen to devilish things. Speak no evil! See no evil! Hear no evil!

What faith does the Father inspire you children to have?

The Father inspires you to have the faith that He is your Father, your Teacher and your Satguru. You have to make effort to maintain this awareness. However, Maya makes you forget. On the path of ignorance there is no question of Maya.

When you check your chart, in which aspect do you need an unlimited, broad intellect?

When you check for how long you considered yourself to be a soul and remembered the Father. When you check this aspect of your chart, you need an unlimited, broad intellect. Only when you become soul conscious and remember the Father will your sins be absolved.

Essence for dharna:
1. Close your eyes to this dirty, devilish world. This world is old. Therefore, have no further connection with it. Even whilst seeing it, do not see it.

2. We are actors in this unlimited drama. Whatever happened in the past will repeat, second by second. Maintain this awareness and pass in every subject. You must have an unlimited, broad intellect.

May you become a living image that shows your practical form of royalty with your reality.

Such a time is now to come when you souls will show your royalty through your reality in a practical way. At the time of revelation, the numbers of the beads of the rosary and also the form of the future kingdom, will both be revealed. Now, while you are racing, the curtain of a little dust of competition is hiding you sparkling diamonds. At the end, however, this curtain will be removed and you hidden diamonds will show your complete and perfect forms. You the royal family will show your royalty from now, that is, you will reveal your future status. So, reveal your royalty through your reality.

Finish all wastefulness using any method and let the powerful emerge.

Have love for solitude and imbibe unity and concentration.

In order to benefit and transform yourself, especially remain in solitude and be introverted. You are knowledge-full, but you also have to become powerful. Fill yourself with the experience of every situation. Whose child am I? What attainment do I have? Become an embodiment of the experience of this first lesson and imbibe unity and concentration and you will easily become a conqueror of Maya.