23/01/25 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban
children, the first two things you have to explain to everyone are: Remember the
Father and know the cycle of 84 births. Then, all their questions will end.
What words
used in praise of the Father wouldn’t be used in praise of Shri Krishna?
The Father is
the Lord of the Tree. Shri Krishna wouldn’t be called the Lord of the Tree. Only
the incorporeal Father is said to be the Father of all fathers and the Husband
of all husbands. Shri Krishna wouldn’t be called that. Clarify the distinct
praise of each one.
What drums do
you have to beat in every village?
Beat drums in every village and announce: Come and understand how you can become
a resident of heaven from a resident of hell, how you can become a deity from a
human being. Come and understand how establishment and destruction take place.
You are the
Mother and You are the Father!
Essence for dharna:
1. Remind
everyone of the mantra that the Father has given you, the mantra that
disciplines the mind. Create different ways of doing service. Do not waste your
time when there are huge crowds.
2. Remain
intoxicated by keeping points of this knowledge in your intellect. Go and sit in
the gatherings like Hanuman and serve them. Remain happy by doing service
throughout the day.
May you
become a full “Mahabali” (someone who becomes a great sacrifice) by sacrificing
“I” and “mine”.
To have any limited
attachment to a person or possession is to have the consciousness of “mine”.
Those who fully surrender the consciousness of “mine” or “I do it” or “I did
this”, that is, those who sacrifice this are the ones who are Mahabali. When
your limited “I, I” is surrendered, you will then become complete and equal to
the Father. It is not: “I am doing this.” It is: “Baba is making me do it. Baba
is making me move.” In any situation, instead of “I”, let there naturally be the
word “Baba” in your language and not the word “I”.
Have such
determination in your thoughts that your thinking and doing become the same.
With your powerful
mind, do the service of giving sakaash.
According to the
time, now do service with your mind and words at the same time. Although,
serving with words is easy, serving with your mind is a matter of paying
attention. Therefore, let your thoughts be full of good wishes and pure feelings
for all souls. Let there be the newness of sweetness, contentment and easiness
in your words and you will then easily continue to receive success.