24/01/25    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, continue to follow the directions of the one Father and the Father will be responsible for you. The Father’s direction is: Remember Me whilst walking and moving around.

What are the main signs of the children who are good and virtuous?

They do the very good service of changing thorns into flowers. They do not prick anyone like thorns do. They never fight amongst themselves. They do not cause sorrow for anyone. To cause sorrow for them means to prick them like thorns.

Time is passing by.

Essence for dharna:
1. Become most lovely by having remembrance of the one Father. Whilst walking, moving around and performing actions, practise remaining in remembrance. Stay in remembrance of the Father and remain happy and in full bloom.

2. Follow God’s directions at every step and whilst performing every act. Do not become arrogant (intoxication of body consciousness). Do not perform any bad act. Do not become confused.

May you constantly be double light and remain stable in a high stage while performing ordinary actions.

The Father takes an ordinary body and speaks and moves in the same way as you do. So, although the actions are ordinary, His stage remains high. In the same way, the stage of you children too has to remain high. Become double light, remain stable in a high stage while performing ordinary actions. Constantly have this awareness: “I am an incarnation who has incarnated in order to perform elevated actions.” Ordinary actions will then change into alokik actions.

Only those who make their vision and attitude soul conscious are able to imbibe purity easily.

With your powerful mind, do the service of giving sakaash.

The busier you keep yourself in serving with your mind, that much more easily will you become a conqueror of Maya. Do not be passionate about this just for yourself, but also do the service of transforming others with your good wishes and pure feelings. Let there be a balance of those pure feelings with this knowledge, love and yoga. You have become benefactors; now become unlimited world benefactors.