24/07/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, learn from the Father how to do wholesale business. “Manmanabhav” and remembering Alpha and reminding others of Him is wholesale business. All the rest is retail.

Which children will the Father welcome to His home?

The Father will receive in His home the children who follow the Father's directions very well, those who don't remember anyone else, those who break the yoga of their intellects away from all their bodily relationships, including their own bodies, and who stay in remembrance of the one Father. The Father is now making you children into beautiful flowers and He will then welcome you flower children to His home.

Essence for dharna:
1. Just as the Father surrenders Himself to you children, similarly, once you surrender yourself fully to the Father with your body, mind and wealth you claim the inheritance for 21 births.

2. Keep your apron constantly overflowing with the invaluable, imperishable treasures that the Father gives you. Stay in the constant happiness and intoxication that you are multimillion times fortunate.

May you experience and enable others to experience the property and personality of Brahmin life and thereby become a special soul.

BapDada reminds all of you Brahmin children that it is your great fortune that you have become Brahmins. However, the inheritance and property of Brahmin life is contentment and the personality of Brahmin life is happiness. Never be deprived of this experience, to which you have a right. Since the Bestower and the Bestower of Blessings is giving you the treasures of this attainment with an open heart, you should experience them and also enable others to experience them and you will then be called a special soul.

Instead of thinking about the last moments, think about your last stage.