27/07/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, become as merciful and benevolent as the Father. A sensible person is one who makes effort and also inspires others.

What checking can you children do based on how you study? What is your effort?

From how you study you can check whether you are playing a highest part, a mediocre part or a lowest part. A highest part would be said to be of those who make others the highest too, that is, those who do service and increase the number of Brahmins. Your effort is to take the old shoe off and put a new shoe on. When a soul becomes pure he can receive a pure new shoe (body).

Essence for dharna:
1. Make your intellect refined with this knowledge and yoga. Do not make the mistake of forgetting the Father. Become a lover and remember the Beloved.

2. Become free from bondage and do the service of making others similar to yourself. Make effort to claim a high status. Never become disheartened with your effort.

May you stay in solitude and have a powerful experience and give others that too by spending a minute in a concentrated stage.

To be in solitude means to stabilise yourself in a powerful stage. You can stabilise yourself in the seed stage and you can become a light-and-might house and give light and might to the world, or you can give others an experience of the avyakt stage by stabilising yourself in the angelic stage. If you become concentrated and stabilise yourself in this stage for a minute or a second, you can benefit yourself and others a great deal. You simply need to practise this.

A Brahmachari is one in whose every thought and word are merged the vibrations of purity.