05/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you are children of the Lord and Master and are to become princes.Therefore, you should not desire anything or ask anyone for anything.

What should you not depend on to remain healthy?

Some children think that they will remain healthy by depending on worldly comforts. However, Baba says: Children, you should not have any desire here for worldly comforts. Worldly comforts will not enable you to remain healthy. In order to keep yourselves healthy, you have to stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. It is said that there is no nourishment like the nourishment of happiness. Remain happy and intoxicated. Give your bones to the yagya like Dadichi Rishi did and your health will become good.

Essence for dharna:
1. Never upset anyone or let yourself be upset by anyone. Do not be arrogant about your cleverness or of any service you do. Just as the Father has regard for you children, so each of you should also have regard for yourself.

2. Finish all your desires with the power of yoga. Stay constantly intoxicated in the happiness that you children of the Lord and Master are to become princes. Stay constantly peaceful while doing service. Remove any evil spirit that may still be within your veins.

May you be a greatly fortunate soul and receive a crown of light from the Father for your Brahmin life.

The speciality of the confluence-aged Brahmin life is purity. A symbol of purity is a crown of light that every Brahmin soul receives from the Father. This crown of the light of purity is even more elevated than a jewel-studded crown. This crown is a sign of a great soul, a highest-on-high soul and a soul with Godly fortune. BapDada gives every child at birth, the blessing, “May you be pure!” The symbol of that is a crown of light.

With an attitude of unlimited disinterest, remove any distress from souls who are being distressed by their desires.