06/02/25    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you clever gardeners have the task of changing the thorns of this old world into the flowers of a new world.

What most elevated fortune do you children make for yourselves at the confluence age?

You change from thorns into fragrant flowers; this is the most elevated fortune. If you have even one vice, you are still a thorn. It is only when you have completely changed from thorns into flowers that you become satopradhan deities. You children have now come here to make your sun-dynasty fortune for 21 generations.

I have come with my fortune awakened.

Essence for dharna:
1. You should come running here to take the treasures of this knowledge that the Father is giving you. Do not make any kind of excuse in this. If you walked even ten miles in remembrance of the Father, you would not get tired.

2. The basis of entering the rosary of victory is this study. Pay full attention to this study. Do the service of changing thorns into flowers. Remember your sweet home and your sweet kingdom.

May you know the importance of the confluence age and attain a countless return for one-fold and become filled with all attainments.

At the confluence age, BapDada promised you: Give one-fold and you will receive one hundred-thousand-fold. Just as this time is the most elevated time, the most elevated birth and has the most elevated title, in the same way, it is only at this time that you can experience all attainments. At this time, not only is it one hundred-thousand-fold return of one, but, whenever you want, however you want, whatever you want, the Father is bound to you in the form of your Servant. You receive countless times return of one because, at present, the Bestower of Blessings belongs to you. While you are holding the Seed in your hand, you can take whatever you want in a second from the Seed and become filled with all attainments.

No matter what the circumstances are, let go of them, but do not let go of your happiness.

Have love for solitude and imbibe unity and concentration.

Unity and concentration are the two most elevated arms for achieving success in every task. Concentration means to be free from waste and sinful thoughts. Where there is unity and concentration, success is the garland around your neck. The Bestower of Blessings loves the word one (ek). Be faithful to One (ekvrata). Have one strength and faith in One (ekbal ekbharosa). As well as this, follow the directions of One (ekmat), do not follow the dictates of yourself or others, but become stable and constant (ekras). There should be no interest in other people or in possessions. The same applies for unity (ekta) and for having love for solitude (ekant priya).