06/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, the Father is the Master of the Garden.You gardeners have to bring very good, fragrant flowers to that Master of the Garden. Do not bring wilted flowers.

On which children does the Father’s vision fall and on whom does it not fall?

The Father is pleased to see the flowers that give a good fragrance and those who do the service of changing many thorns into flowers: the Father’s vision falls on them. The Father’s vision does not fall on those who have a dirty attitude and those whose eyes are deceitful. The Father says: Children, become flowers and make many others into flowers because only then will you be called clever gardeners.

Essence for dharna:
1. Make effort to free your wings. Liberate yourself from bondage and become a clever gardener. Do the service of changing thorns into flowers.

2. Check yourself and see to what extent you have become a fragrant flower. Is your attitude pure? Do your eyes deceive you? Keep a chart of your behaviour and remove your defects.

May you be an easy and constant yogi who is constantly powerful with the intoxication and faith of having a right to self-sovereignty.

To be a self-sovereign means to have total control over all your physical senses so that your physical senses do not deceive you even in your thoughts. If you sometimes have the slightest body consciousness, you then use force or anger, but those who are self-sovereigns, masters of themselves, are constantly egoless and they constantly serve with humility. Therefore, be powerful with the intoxication and faith of being a master of yourself, a self-sovereign: You will then easily be an easy and constant yogi and become a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world.

Be a lighthouse and remain busy in spreading light with your mind and intellect and you will not be afraid of anything.