13/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, first of all, grind this mantra very firmly into everyone: You are a soul. You have to remember the Father. It is only by having remembrance that your sins will be cut away.

What is the real service that you now do?

To make Bharat that has become impure pure is real service. When people ask how you are serving Bharat, tell them that, according to shrimat, you are doing spiritual service of Bharat through which it becomes double crowned. You are establishing the peace and prosperity that used to exist in Bharat.

Essence for dharna:
1. In order to experience supersensuous joy, have the enthusiasm to remember Baba internally. Remember the Father with interest while walking and moving around, not by force. Remove your intellect from everyone else and connect it to the One.

2. Just as the Father is the Ocean of Love, so, become an ocean of love, the same as the Father. Uplift everyone. Stay in remembrance of the Father and remind everyone of the Father.

May you be a spiritual warrior (one holding weapons) who makes the world peaceful with your weapons of the power of silence.

The weapons of the power of silence are your pure thoughts, your good wishes and the language of your eyes. Just as you give the introduction of the Father and His creation with words, in the same way, on the basis of the power of silence and with the language of your eyes, you can give souls an experience of the Father with your eyes. The power of silence is much more elevated then any physical tools of service. This is the special weapon of the spiritual army. With this weapon, you can make the peaceless world peaceful.

To remain free from obstacles and to free others from obstacles is evidence of real service.