22/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, you have come here to be transformed. You have to transform your devilish traits and imbibe divine virtues. This is a study to become deities.

Which study do you children only study with the Father, a study that no one else can teach?

You study to become deities from human beings. No one, except the one Father, can teach you this study to change from impure to pure in order for you to go to the new world. Only the Father establishes the pure household path through this easy knowledge and Raja Yoga.

Essence for dharna:
1. In order to establish your elevated kingdom, follow shrimat and become the Father’s helpers. Just as deities are viceless, in the same way while living at home with your families become viceless. Create a pure household.

2. Do not use the point of the drama in the wrong way. Don't say "Drama!" and just leave everything to the drama. Pay full attention to studying. Create an elevated reward for yourselves by making effort.

May you be detached and loving and consider yourself to be a sample by keeping the symbol of a lotus flower in your intellect.

The symbol for those who live in a households is a lotus flower. So, become a lotus and put this into practice. If you don’t practise this, you won’t be able to become a lotus. So, keep the symbol of a lotus flower in your intellect and move along while considering yourself to be a sample. While doing service, be detached and loving. Do not just be loving, but first be detached and then loving because love can sometimes change into attachment. So, while doing any service, be detached and loving.

Maya cannot go under a canopy of love.