25/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, have the firm faith that you are souls. Begin any task in the consciousness of being a soul and you will have remembrance of the Father and not commit any sin.

What effort does each of you have to make in order to reach the karmateet stage? What indicates your being close to your karmateet stage?

In order to become karmateet, make effort to control your physical organs with the power of remembrance. Practise: I, an incorporeal soul, am a child of the incorporeal Father. The greatest effort you make is for all your physical organs to become viceless. The closer you come to your karmateet stage, the more every organ of yours will become cool and fragrant. The bad odour of vice will be removed from them and you will continue to experience supersensuous joy.

Essence for dharna:
1. Listen with attention to the true story that the Father tells you and imbibe it. Never ask the Father for anything. Accumulate an income for yourself for 21 births.

2. You have to return home. Therefore, finish the attraction of bodies with the power of yoga. Make your physical organs cool. Make effort to renounce all consciousness of your body.

May you be full of light and might and serve many souls while you stay in one place.

Just as a lighthouse is in one place and serves far into the distance, in the same way, all of you can become instruments to serve many souls while you stay in one place. For this, you simply need to be full of light and might. Let your mind and intellect be constantly free from having waste thoughts. Become an easy embodiment of the mantra of “Manmanabhav”. Let the state of your mind be full of good wishes, pure feelings, an elevated attitude and elevated vibrations and you will then easily be able to do this service. This is true service with your mind.

You Brahmin souls now have to have might and make other souls into mics.