26/06/24    Morning Murli    Om Shanti    BapDada    Madhuban

Sweet children, stay constantly in the intoxication of your multimillion-fold fortune of having become the children of the Purifier Father. You receive the inheritance of unlimited happiness from Him.

Why can you children not have any dislike or hatred for any religion?

Because you know the Seed and the tree. You know that this is an unlimited tree of the human world. Each one has his own part in it. Actors in a play do not have hatred for one another. You know that you have heroes and heroines parts in this play. No one else can see the happiness that you have seen. You have the limitless happiness that you are the ones who will rule the whole world.

Essence for dharna:
1. mStudy directly with God at the confluence age, become knowledgeable theists and also make others knowledgeable. Never have any doubts about the Father or this study.

2. Become as lovely as the Father. Maintain the happiness that God is decorating you. Do not have dislike or hatred for any actor. Each one has an accurate part in this drama.

May you be introverted and go into solitude every now and then while on the field of service.

In order to experiment with the power of silence, it is necessary to be introverted and stay in solitude. Some children say that they just don’t have the time to experience the stage of introspection or to be in solitude because the activity of service and of serving with the power of speech has increased a lot. However, instead of taking half an hour or an hour at one time for this, find even a little time every now and then and your stage will become powerful.

Instead of battling in Brahmin life, celebrate it in pleasure and anything difficult will then become easy.