Renew Friendships And Increase Spiritual Bonding

Due to ever-growing responsibilities, friendships often take a backseat. And at times we feel offended and withdraw from friends over small differences. We have all shared good times with friends. But because of certain words or behaviors, we drifted away from few friends. It’s time to reconnect with them and increase our spiritual bonding with them.

1. Visualize any friendship that now seems to have faded. You may be in contact, but not truly connected. Check your thoughts about the other person, if there is any expectation, rejection or hurt. Negative thoughts and feelings can uproot the positive foundation of relationships.

2. It doesn't need two people to heal a friendship, it needs just one. You can be the one. Your opinions and behaviors are different. But deep within, you know they are your well-wishers. Their words or actions may have seemed questionable at some point of time because of which you drifted apart, but not their intentions.

3. Meditate daily to heal your hurt. Clean your thoughts about them. For the next few days, radiate these thoughts to them – I apologize for anything I did which troubled you. I forgive you for what you did. Our relationship stands on the strong foundation of love and trust.

4. When the mind is healed, it radiates unconditional acceptance. You will not need people to be your way. Soon you will see energy blockages clear and beautiful friendships flourish.

Message for the day

To have a big heart means never to be disheartened.

Expression: To have a big heart means to have good wishes constantly for others and to enable others to move forward through this. Even if someone with negative characteristics comes in front, there are no feelings of negativity as there is the power to accept and recognise their specialities.

Experience: I am able to be beyond confusion and doubt when I have a big heart. I am never caught up with the problems but am very easily able to find a way out. I am never disheartened even when I encounter the negative aspect of someone. Instead I am able to very effectively and smoothly come out of the situation.

Thought for Today - 12-07-2024

Staying Peaceful

Desires cause peace to disappear. You think that acquiring things will make you feel secure, but the reality is that the more you have the more fear there usually is of losing it, and the further you are from peace.

Desires are the cause of all conflicts. When you want something and cannot get it you become frustrated.

Learning to be free from desires is learning how to stay peaceful.