Thought Vibrations And Their Importance

The word atmosphere has two meanings. One refers to the physical air around us and the other to the more subtle effect that thought vibrations create in a particular space. No one can deny that the atmosphere of a crowded restaurant is different from that of a temple. This is mainly because of the effect of different types of thoughts and feelings in that space. Even someone who cannot see or hear would have the ability to pick up the difference. Thought vibrations can't be seen but their non-physical as well as physical impact is even more powerful and influential. The fear and pain that people generate during a stampede or an earthquake and the immense joy of victory in a cricket match are examples of how thoughts create an atmosphere.

On a subtler level, many of us have the experience of basic telepathy - I was just thinking of you and you called or messaged. Thoughts connect individuals over large distances. Doctors inform us that over 90% of the physical body's illnesses have a psychosomatic origin. That means that they are a direct or indirect result of our state of mind. That makes the human body the prime example of how thoughts affect matter.

Since the world is made up of the collective, personal worlds of all individuals, then it's easy to see how the world’s subtle atmosphere is nothing more than the collective effects of all our thoughts.

Message for the day

It is on the basis of actions that praise is received.

Expression: The one who only talks but is not able to put his talk into practice does not become worthy of praise. On the other hand, the one who is able to bring his good thoughts and words into action becomes worthy of praise. Such a person's actions become inspirational for others and encourage them to follow him.

Experience: When I am able to act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. My account of positivity is always full and it takes me further to a cycle of positivity making it a habit. So I find that I don't have to work hard for performing positive actions.