Being Patient In Every Scene Of Life

Ever since speed and a hurried pace have become characteristics of our life, we have become impatient. Wisdom tells us patience pays off and impatience costs us dearly. But sometimes when we wish to speed up something, when we want quick changes, when there’s a challenge or when we cannot bear uncertainty, we become impatient. We want what we want, and we want it immediately.

1. You have the power to be patient, accept and adapt to almost everything around you. Never say - No I cannot wait…I cannot tolerate.... Losing patience in minor scenes makes impatience a part of your personality. Patience gives you the power to handle difficulties and problems because you didn’t deplete spiritual energy creating impatience while the problems were unresolved.

2. Patience is your original nature. It’s a sign of royalty, dignity and inner strength. Meditate every morning and fill yourself with peace. Peace is always accompanied by patience. Whether it is children misbehaving, a traffic jam, slow internet, colleagues arriving late or someone missing deadlines – be tolerant and patient. This also brings your thoughts under your control.

3. Be patient towards yourself, other people and even situations. Someone may be slow, someone can make mistakes, but they are all doing their best. Advise or instruct them with respect. Your vibrations of ease radiate comforting energy for them to improve. Also, all different types of negative situations resolve faster when they receive our vibrations of patience constantly.

Message for the day

Fortune is in one's own hands.

Expression: To have fortune in one's own hands doesn't mean to have it in the lines of one's hands. It means to have the ability to make the best use of all the resources available. When they are put to the best use, they naturally increase. Through right actions one can draw the line of fortune as long as desired.

Experience: When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves.

Thought for Today - 19-07-2024

Let God

Whether you believe in God or not is not important. Belief can be an obstacle to experience. The main thing is to keep an open mind, and be willing to start the conversation.

The experience of so many people is that when they engage in a mental conversation, whether it’s with a question or simply sharing what is in their heart, they get a reply. This is God as a personal experience, not just a voice in your head. Not your higher self. But the presence of the Source in your life.

God is not a concept, or a belief. You cannot have a conversation with a concept. You cannot have a meaningful relationship with a belief. Worth a try? Dear God...