Think And Talk Only About Solutions

Sometimes we face times when situations are challenging or people are difficult to manage. If we focus on the problem, we get upset, we worry, we fear, we blame and we complain. All these deplete our energy, and in a depleted state, our problem appears even bigger. We need to save our energy and focus it on creating solutions. Do you often keep talking about your problems more than solutions, and dwell on negative feelings? During a crisis do you get stuck ruminating, thinking and discussing - Who was responsible, why did it happen, how could things go so wrong with me? Or do you remind yourself and others involved, to simply focus on what is to be done now? However bad our situation is, its solution is the only thing that really matters. Loading the mind with overwhelming questions drains our energy apart from wasting time. We need to silence the mind, not allow it to go on with thoughts of blame, feeling like a victim, criticizing or rejecting the situation. These thoughts deplete us, deplete others and deplete the energy of the situation. This approach magnifies the problem. Details of the problem can be thought of later, immediate need is to shift to solutions. Let’s accept the problem. It has already happened so we need to focus on the present moment. Let’s divert our every thought to seek a solution, create a solution and implement it. Remember your responsibility and empower everyone to together focus on solving the problem.

From today, when you are in the middle of a difficult situation or with a difficult person, tell yourself your life is perfect and every scene is beautiful. Direct your energy towards solutions whenever there is an issue, big or small. Accept the situation, the person. Do not waste your energy in questioning scenes or behaviors. Know that it is people’s sanskars, know that it is your past karma, you had written this scene in your destiny. Focus on yourself, your actions, your behavior. Focus on your objectives, on the next scene and use your energy to be in the present. Your power is in the present. So remain calm. Focus on the solution, think of the solution, talk of the solution and create a solution. Finally implement the solution and cross the situation. This is being solution-oriented and the key to positivity, happiness and stability.

Message for the day

The one desire for perfection ends all other desires.

Expression: The desire for perfection brings the capacity to keep on learning from all situations. There is something new to learn and so there are no other desires. Since the mind is busy with bringing about perfection, there is no time for waste and negative. There is the ability to transform negative to positive.

Experience: Love for perfection makes me experience constant progress. I have no thought about what I have to get, but continue to attain from each moment and each situation. I am then naturally free from all other desires.